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Αναφορά μου πρός τις Εισαγγελείες της Ελλάδος+τους Δικαστικούς Λειτουργούς+τους Ανακριτικούς υπαλλήλους + Αλλους δια πρόκληση Αυτεπαγγέλτων Βαρειών Εγκλημάτων εναντίων των Ελλήνων...


Από τον Ιωσήφ-Χρήστο Κ. Κονδυλάκην,Επιστήμονα Ερευνητή,Μικράς Ασίας 13,Αγιος Νικόλαος της Αναβύσσου,19013 Αττική,τηλ+φαξ 22910-55275 , Πέμπτη-9-Φεβρουαρίου-2017




Πρόσφατα εστάλθηκε εγκύκλιος του “Εθνικού” Υπουργείου Παιδείας που προωθεί την Ομοφυλοφιλία μέσω σχετικών μαθημάτων,ταινειών και...ισως προκλήσεως σχετικού πειραματισμού; εις την αθώα ψυχή των Ελλήνων μαθητών...και προωθεί τις...έκφυλες ταυτότητες,κ.τ.λ.,...

Αγαπητοί Εισαγγελείς & Δικαστικοί Λειτουργοί & Αστυνομικοί φανταστήτε να γυρίσει απο το σχολείο ο μικρός σας γυιός ή κόρη και να σας πεί ότι μετά από αυτά που άκουσε από τους δασκάλους του στο σχολείο θέλει να...δοκιμάσει την ομοφυλοφιλία (δηλαδή αυτό που λέει ο απλός ο κόσμος στην καθημιλουμένη να γίνει “πούστης” ή “λεσβία”) για να...νοιώσει! πιό φύλο του...ταιριάζει για να το δηλώσει στις...εκφυλες ταυτότητες...Φυσικά ξεχάστε μετά την γέννηση παιδιών και εγγονιών,κ.τ.λ.,...


Τα θεμέλεια! της Αμερικανικής & Παγκόσμιας Ψυχιατρικής διάγνωσης ετέθησαν από το Διαγνωστικό Στατιστικό Εγχειρίδιο – 1 (Diagnostic Statistical Manual I ) της Ψυχιατρικής που περιγράφει τις διαγνώσεις για τους Ψυχιατρικά Αρρώστους (Ψυχασθενείς) και στις σελίδες του 38-39 ορίζει την κατηγορία Ψυχιατρικης Αρρώστια ς “Σεξουαλική Διαστροφή” που περιλαμβάνουν την Ομοφυλοφιλία,τους Τραβεστί,την Παιδοφιλία, τον Φετικισμό και τον Σεξουαλικό Σαδισμό , ρητά γράφει : pages 88-89 , 000-x63 Sexual deviation – This diagnosis is reserved for deviant sexuality....The term includes most of the cases formely classed as “psychosomatic personality(!) with pathological(!) sexuality”. The diagnosis will specify the type of pathological(!) behaviour , such as homosexuality,transvestim,pedophilia,fetishism and sexual sadism(including rape,sexual assault,mutilation)...

Αργότερα όπως είπε και ο Σεβασμιώτατος Μητροπολίτης Πειραιώς Σεραφείμ Σιωνιστές(Εβραίοι) έδωσαν πολλά χρήματα στην Αμερικανική Ψυχιατρική Εταιρεία και με...ψηφοφορία! αφαίρεσαν από τις επόμενες εκδόσεις του DSM την ανωτέρω παράγραφο ΑΛΛΑ η κοινή λογική και η επιστημονική λογική που Ορίζει την Αρρώστια ως ανωμαλία της φυσιολογικής λειτουργίας ανθρωπίνου οργανισμού εχει έτσι λογικά ως συνέπεια η Ομοφυλοφιλία να ορίζεται ως Αρρώστια!...

Μετά απο επιστημονικές μας έρευνες που πλείστες εξ αυτών σας έχουμε κοινοποιήσει νομίζουμε ότι διεθνώς και στην Ελλάδα οι Ηθικοί Αυτουργοί δια την προώθηση της Ομοφυλοφιλίας είναι Εβραίοι λόγω και της εβρα'ι'κής θρησκείας των της καμπαλά(kabbalah) της Μαύρης Μαγείας και των Ανθρωποθυσιών στον Σατανά! που ασχολείται με Σεξ & Αιμα & Σεξουαλικές Διαστροφές και της εβρα'ι'κής θρησκείας της ταλμουδ(talmud) που θεώρει όλους τους οχι-εβραίους(Gentiles) Ζώα! και προσπαθεί να Αποκτηνώση!! Ολη την Ανθρωπότητα των Gentiles(Οχι εβραίων) δια να υπηρετούν ως Ζωα τους εβραίους...

Υ.Σ. Εβραίοι είναι οι Πρωθυπουργοί της...Ελλάδος Παπανδρέου,Μηστοτάκης,Σημίτης,Τσίπρας,κ.α.

Σχετική βιβλιογραφία

  1. “Τα Πρωτόκολα των σοφών της σιών” , επιμέλεια Αρχιμανδρίτου Βασιλόπουλου,έκδοση της εφημερίδος “Ορθόδοξος Τύπος”

  2. Εβρα'ι'κή θρησκεία Kabbalah,Talmud & Black Magic & Satanism...

  3. Internet site : www.jewwatch.com

  4. Προηγούμενες επικοινωνίες μας με Εισαγγελείες Αθηνών & Αλλού...

5. Σύνταγμα αρθ 16,7#2,18#3,21#3 και ΠΚ 310,311/Αυτοκτονία,Κεφαλαιο 19/Ηθική Αυτουργια,κ.α.

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To:U.N.,I.C.C.'Prosecutor,European Authorities,Embassies of Nations,Others...

Πρός τις Εισαγγελείες[Α.Π.+Εφετών+Πρωτοδικών]Αθηνών+Ε.Υ.Π.+Ελληνική Αστυνομία+Αλλους...

και ως Σχετικόν των Μηνύσεων μου και επικοινωνιών μας...


From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Research Scientist,Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos, Anavissou, 19013 Attiki,Greece,tel+fax:+30-2291055275 , Sunday-12-February-2017




Your relevant reference are:

[1] “The Protocols of elders of zion”...

[2] Information from the Internet site and Watch its Video!! (in English with Greek subtitles) :

[3] Information from the Internet site: www.jewwatch.com

[4] Our previous relevant communications....



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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

To:U.N.,I.C.C.'Prosecutor,European Authorities,Embassies of Nations,Others...

Πρός τις Εισαγγελείες[Α.Π.+Εφετών+Πρωτοδικών]Αθηνών+Ε.Υ.Π.+Ελληνική Αστυνομία+Αλλους...

και ως Σχετικόν των Μηνύσεων μου και επικοινωνιών μας...


From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Research Scientist,Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos, Anavissou, 19013 Attiki,Greece,tel+fax:+30-2291055275 , Sunday-12-February-2017




Your relevant reference are:

[1] “The Protocols of elders of zion”...

[2] Information from the Internet site and Watch its Video!! (in English with Greek subtitles) :


[3] Information from the Internet site: www.jewwatch.com

[4] Our previous relevant communications....





Your relevant reference are:

[1] “The Protocols of elders of zion”...


[2] Information from the Internet site and Watch its Video!! (in English with Greek subtitles) :


[4] Our previous relevant communications....





As Continuation of our communications and as continuation of "The jewish Protocols of elders of zion" and because the jews control the national & international Mass Communication Media & Fashion,Satanism,E.T.C., Watch Very carefully the above video (in English voice with Greek subtitles)  

and Think & React Against the Jewish Satanic(kabbalah,talmud) Worldwide Dictatorship!! in order to Save the Humanity from the annihilation of its HUMAN Civilizations and the Destruction of HUMAN Quality of Life and STOPING the jews transforming the Gentiles(NOT jews) to DESTRUCTIVE UGLY DEPRESSIVE SUB-ANIMAL!!! Status... , which in accordance to the jewish religion(talmud,kabbalah) the Gentiles(NOT jews) must be transformed to become Slaves of jews in order to serve the jews...

Τροποποιήθηκε από civilservant
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  • 2 weeks later...

Πρός U.N.,I.C.C.'Prosecutor,Ευρωπα'ι'κή Ενωση, Από τον Ιωσήφ-Χρήστον Κ. Κονδυλάκην

Πρεσβείες Εθνών,Εισαγγελείες Αθηνών,Ε.Υ.Π., Επιστήμων Ερευνητής/Πυρηνικός Φυσικός

Ελληνική Αστυνομία,Αλλους... Μικράς Ασίας 13, Αγιος Νικόλαος της

Αναβύσσου, 19013 Αττική, Ελλάς

τηλ+φαξ 22910-55275





Αγαπητοί Κύριοι + Κυρίες


Δια της παρούσης επιστολής μου ζητάω την Συμβουλήν σας και την Βοήθειαν σας εις τέσσερα Ζωτικοτάτης σημασίας θέματα δια την Ευρώπη,την Ανθρωπότητα και τον πλανήτη Γή , δια τα οποία επιθυμώ το Επείγον και λίαν Σημαντικόν ενδιαφέρον της Ευρωπα'ι'κής Ενωσης & Παγκοσμίως δια την επιτυχήν Αντιμετώπισην των και δια σχετικές έρευνες και ανακριτικές ενέργειες,κ.α.,κ.τ.λ.

Τα εν λόγω τέσσερα Πρώτιστου ενδιαφέροντος θέματα, σύμφωνα με την επιστημονική μου κατανόηση και σχετικές μακροχρόνιες επιστημονικές έρευνες μου είναι :

[1] Τεράστια Προβλήματα Ευρωπα'ι'κής & Διεθνούς Πυρηνικής Ασφάλειας που κυρίως αφορούν τον

Ανθρώπινο παράγοντα...

[2] Μεγάλoi Φραγμοί που τίθενται εις την Θεμελειώδη & Βασική Ογκολογική/Καρκίνου επιστημονική

έρευνα και ως ένα καθαρό παράδειγμα που αφορά και εμένα προσωπικά είναι η περίπτωση μου

και της “Ενοποιημένης Θεωρίας της Ογκολογίας “ από το 1983 ...

[3] Την Παγκόσμια Εβρα'ι'κή Σατανική(καμπαλά,ταλμούδ) Δικτακτορία που οδηγεί σε Αποκτήνωση!

την Ανθρωπότητα των Gentiles(ΟΧΙ εβραίων) και εις τον μετασχηματισμόν των σε “υπό-ζώα” με

σκοπό να υπηρετούν τους εβραίους(ταλμούδ) και ποτέ να μήν δύναται να επαναστατήσουν...

(ενδεικτικά καταστροφή Εθνους & δημιουργικών παραδόσεων,καταστροφή της Οικογένειας,

καταστροφή δημιουργικής Θρησκείας,Καταστροφή Ρομαντισμού+Ερωτα Ανδρός+Γυναικός και

δημιουργίας μόνο σεξ-μηχανών και της άρρωστης ανωμαλίας της Ομοφυλοφιλίας, Καταστροφή

του Ωραίου και υπερδιάδοση της Ασχήμιας & της Τρομοκρατίας & της Ηληθιοποιήσεως των

Gentiles(ΟΧΙ-εβραίων) , Ισχυρός Οικονομικός πόλεμος , δημιουργίας Καταθλήψεως

στους Gentiles, Καταστροφή της δημιουργικής Εκπαίδευσης & μεγιστοποίηση της

Παραπληροφόρησης & τα γραφόμενα εις “Τα Πρωτόκολα των σοφών της σιών”,κ.α.,κ.τ.λ.,...)

[4] Την Μεγάλην παρανομία βασικών θεσμών της Ευρωπα'ι'κής Ενωσης , ως της Επιτροπής

Αναφορών του Ευρωπα'ι'κού Κοινοβουλίου, του Ευρωπαίου Διαμεσολαβητή,OLAF,

Ευρωπα'ι'κής Επιτροπής (Ενέργειας) ,κ.α. ως ενδεικτικά αποδεικνύεται εις την περίπτωσην(εις)


Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες εις τα Θέματα μας σας έχουν ήδη κοινοποιηθεί και ορισμένες υπάρχουν και εις το Ιντερνετ που μπορείτε να τις βρήτε ψάχνοντας χρησιμοποιόντας τις λέξεις “κλειδιά” “Joseph Christos Kondylakis” , “Unified Theory of Oncology” , “Ιωσήφ Χρήστος Κονδυλάκης” , https://semfe.gr/forum/viewforum.php?f=21 (Petition,Thinking) ,

και θα χαρώ πολύ να λάβω απάντηση σας με τις σχετικές Συμβουλές σας και τις Ενέργειες σας εις τα εν λόγω Επείγοντα & Ζωτικότατα Θέματα μας...S.O.S...S.O.S...S.O.S...


Με Φιλικούς Χαιρετισμούς




Ιωσήφ-Χρήστος Κ. Κονδυλάκης / Joseph-Christos Kondylakis

Αριστούχος Φυσικός του Α.Π.Θ. , Πυρηνικός Φυσικός του McGill University,Canada με υποτροφία

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

URGENT(Because it is VITAL for the European & International Nuclear Safety)

To: MEPs of Nuclear Transparency Watch... From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis

Mrs Michele Rivasi,Mr Klaus Buchner, Nuclear Physicisist/Nuclear Fission

Mr Jo Leinen,Mr Benedek Javor,Mr Dario Tamburrano Mikras Asias 13, Agios Nikolaos,

...Crisis Management... Anavissou,19013 Attiki, Greece



FAX : 1+18=19 pages


Dear Sir or Madam




In Nuclear Engineering the Risk is defined as the product of [Probability of an Accident] x [Consequences of Accident] . A Nuclear fission plant meltdown may lead to , in special cases, the Nuclear fission Reactor to explode as Nuclear Bomb! (ref: QUANTITATIVE Research by Joseph-Christos Kondylakis in Internet site : http://nuclpart.phys.uoa.gr/HNPS/Files/ANP2010.pdf ) and in that case the Consequences of the Nuclear Accident will be Ultra Catastrophe!! , viz Very Many Millions Deaths...

(since for a typical Nuclear plant of 4x1000 MWe with their used nuclear fuel storages , about 20 Tones of Plutonium will go to Global & local atmospheric circulation and one microgram(0.000001 gram) of inhalled Plutonium can cause Cancer...) and the economical cost is estimated to be of the order of 30 to 150 Trillions! of Euro (since for a Not nuclear Bomb explosion , severe nuclear accident in France or in Germany studies have estimated the cost to be about 5 to 10 Trillions of Euro...)

This VERY CRITICAL THEME have communicated to the Petitions Committee of European Parliament but it Illegaly is NOT registering!! many of my Vital Petitions and also it have been communicated to the President of European Parliament Mr. Antonio Tajani and elsewhere...

Unfortunately it is my intution and the lack of further communication that our VERY CRITICAL THEME is not well undestood and Urgent & Effective Thinking & Actions are NOT taken...

Being a specialist in Nuclear Fission(Applied+Theoretically) and former Assistant Technical Supervisor in the Nuclear Generation Division of “Ontario Hydro” in Canada and former Manager of Systems Design & Development in Canada, I am extremely worry about our Theme and I desire Very Serious and Urgent Thinking ,Studies & Actions to be initiated for PREVENTIVE Reasons , therefore I send you this message to be considered and be presented in European Parliament,European Commission & Elsewhere and possibly an Investigation Committee to be created for our Theme and for the Big Barriers put to me ,E.T.C. and I remain available for any clarification and help...

S.N. Some additional information you can find in Internet site :

https://semfe.gr/forum/viewforum.php?f=21 (Petition,Thinking) ,and by Internet searching using “key words” “ Joseph Christos Kondylakis “ , “ Ιωσήφ Χρήστος Κονδυλάκης “ , and

in my Petitions(Not Registered & Registered) in European Parliament...


With Friendly Greetings




Joseph-Christos Kondylakis

Physicist,graduated with Excellent degree from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece &

Nuclear Physicist from McGill University,Canada financed with Canadian Scholarship

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To:U.N.,I.C.C.,European Authorities,Embassies of Nations,International “Atomic” Energy Agency,...

Πρός τις Εισαγγελείες Αθηνών+Ε.Υ.Π.+Ελλην. Αστυνομία και ως Σχετικόν των Επικοινωνιών μας

    1. Japan Embassy in Greece + Others...


From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Nuclear Physicist,Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou, 19013 Attiki,Greece,tel+fax:+30-2291055275 , Tuesday-7-March-2017




Your reference are:

[1] The book “Atomic Bomb Secrets” by David J. Dionisi , 2017

[2] The Internet Video “The Secret of Nagasaki” to be found in Internet by using search “key” words

“youtube secret Nagasaki” or from the Internet site:


[3] The leaflet of “Power of Prophecy” by Texe Marrs , February 2017


By studing the above mentioned references and thinking, it become clear that Jews and the Jewish secret army the Masons were primarily involved in the U.S.A. Nuclear Bombs program and in the selection of targets of Nuclear Bombing...

We mention from the reference [3] “Influential Jews has fostered and overseen the dropping on Japan of Atomic Bombs”,”Top Jews in the Truman Administration demanded nothing less than Human Sacrifice”,”A 33rd degree Freemason who was the 33rd U.S. President Truman also Served Zionism with Servility,recognizing Israel within minutes of its declaration as statehood, after the (jewish) AIPAC founder Abraham Feinberg gave him $ 2 Millions in a suitcase...”, “We should't overlook that Nagasaki expelled the Freemasons in 1926 , by 1930 Japan banned them entirely.Did this add “payback” to the Nagasaki Bomb?” , “Dionisi insightfully notes: when Satanists conduct a Human Sacrifice,they believe they draw power from the victim'death.At Nagasaki, over 70,000 lives,many of them Christians,were incinerated on a satanic altar”,...

The above statements have been writen by Prof. Texe Marrs a retired Officer of U.S.A. Air Force...


Because the religion of Jews and Masons(or Freemasons) is the jewish kabbalah which is the base of religion of Black Magic & Satanism & Human Sacrifices to Satan, the Biggest enemy of Jews & Masons is the Christianity and because the Symbolism for Jews & Masons is of Utmost important, therefore easily we can understand why Symbolically was selected as target for the Most Destructive Weapon in planet Earth , the Nuclear Bomb, the Biggest CHRISTIAN Church in Japan in Nagasaki and NOT a military target...


Satanic(kabbalah) Jewish minds , above the Nations , in the Jewish Worldwide Satanic(kabbalah, talmud) Dictatorship control Huge Destructions Weapons that are capable of Destroying the Humanity & planet Earth , therefore the Gentiles(NOT jews) Humanity must wake up,think and act Preventively!! in order to save Humanity & planet Earth from their future Huge Catastrophe...S.O.S...


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… On the 6th Anniversary of the Nuclear Accident of Fukushima in Japan …





By Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Nuclear Physicist/specialized in Nuclear Fission(Applied + Theoretically),Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou,19013 Attiki , Greece ,

tel+fax:+30-2291055275,on the Anniversary of Fukushima Nuclear Accident,Saturday-11-March-2017


Your reference are:

[1] (Petitions,Thinking) , From Internet site: https://semfe.gr/forum/viewforum.php?f=21

[2] J.C. Kondylakis, From Internet site: http://nuclpart.phys.uoa.gr/HNPS/Files/ANP2010.pdf

[3] Alexey V. Yablakov , et all ,” Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for the People and the Environment “ , in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ,USA, 2009

[4] P. Bossew, “Plutonium Emission from Fukushima Accident”,German Federal Office for Radiation Protection,Berlin,Germany,2013

[5] Greenpeace, “The Chernobyl Catasrophe Consequences on Human Health” ,2006

[6] John W. Gofman, “The Cancer Hazard from Inhaled Plutonium”,1975,

from Internet site: https://ratical.org/radiation/CNR/CHfIP1975.pdf

[7] J.C. Kondylakis “Scientific Comparison of Cancer research of J.C. Kondylakis vs Harvard University.” from the Internet site :



*** About One microgram(0.000001 gram) of Plutonium if it is inhaled can

cause Cancer!... [6] ***


The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident , until about 2006 caused about 4000 (I.”A”.E.A.,2005) to 6.000.000 Deaths (ECCR,2003) from ref. [5]. This very big range in the Deaths caused by the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident is perhaps due to different assumptions & limitations and for Political reasons involved in the estimation of calculations of Deaths caused by the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident.

We may consider as an approximation the combined Russian + USA estimate of about 1.000.000 Deaths caused by the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident until 2009 , which was presented by a Russian scientist in the USA Academy of Science [3] .

From reference [4] we learn that the activity of 239PU+240PU release into the Athosphere by the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident is about 87.000 GBq or about 15 Kgr of Plutonium...and this Plutonium does not went very far from the Nuclear Reactor because of the heavy mass of plutonium and the height of chemical explosion and fire in the Chernobyl...




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… On the 6th Anniversary of Fukushima Nuclear Accident in Japan …




...An Article devoted to Decision Makers who do Not Understand until...as seen in TV...

By Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Nuclear Physicist,Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou,

19013 Attiki,Greece,tel+fax:+30-2291055275, Saturday-11-March-2017

Your references are:

[1] “The Chernobyl Catastrophe Consequences on Human Health” by Greenpeace,2006

[2] “Mental Health and Social Issues Following a Nuclear Accident : The case of Fukushima” by Editors Jun Shigemura,Rethy Kieth Chhem,2016

[3] “Scientific Comparison of Cancer research of J.C. Kondylakis vs Harvard University...” from the Internet site :


[4] (Petitions,Thinking) , From Internet site: https://semfe.gr/forum/viewforum.php?f=21

[5] My today Fax/Article “IF A NUCLEAR FISSION REACTOR(S)/PLANT EXPLODE AS NUCLEAR BOMB!!!...S.O.S...S.O.S...S.O.S...” by Joseph-Christos Kondylakis, 11-March-2017

From reference [1] we mention the main Consequences of a Severe Nuclear Accident ,

which can appear in short,medium and long time term , and possibly in future generations...:



Thyroid Cancer , Leukemia , Other Cancers


Respiratory System , Digestive System , Blood-Vascular System , Musculo-Skeletal &

Cutaneous Systems , Hormone/Endocrine Status , Abnormalities of Immune Function ,

Infectious Diseases, Genetic Abnormalities & Chromosome Aberrations , Urogenital &

Reproductive System , Premature Ageing , Sense Organs , Neurological & Psychological


From reference [2] we mention the main Consequences of a Severe Nuclear Accident...


Disorders: Anxiety,Depression,PTSD,Complex Grief,Resilence,Schizophrenia?

Distress: Vulnerability blaming,Insomnia,MUPS/MIPS,Irritability,Distraction,Scapegoating,

Anger at Government,Demoralization,Loss of faith to Administration

Risks: Smoking,Alcohol,Over dedication,Limit use of social networks


Evacuation,Lost of Family & Friends,Lost of Healthy Air,Water,Food,Lost of living space,

Poor medical care,Panic & Chaos,Increased Risks,Problems in Community & Social

values,Loss of communications,STIGMA(Radioactivity/radioactive effected persons are

discriminated in marriage,in making children,job,social relations) , E.T.C.


Loss of House & Property,Loss of Job,Loss of Market,Law actions,Loss of income,E.T.C.

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Πρός τις Ιερές Μητροπόλεις της Ελλάδος...

Πρός τις Εισαγγελείες[Α.Π.+Εφετών+Πρωτοδικών] των Αθηνών+Ε.Υ.Π.+Ελλην. Αστυνομία+Αλλους

Ειδική κοινοποίηση και για θυροκόληση εις την πόρτα του Εισαγγελέως Ρατσισμού!!...


+++ Το παρόν άρθρο αφιερούται εις τον Εισαγγελέα Ρατσισμού!! δια να του θυμίζει διαρκώς!!! ότι

εχει Ορκιστεί!!! να τηρεί τα τρία Θεμελειώδη!!! Αρθρα του Ελληνικού Συντάγματος μας...





και το ΠΚ 259 για όσους παραβαίνουν τον Ορκον τους να τηρούν το Ελλην. Σύνταγμα... +++



Από τον Ιωσήφ-Χρήστο Κ. Κονδυλάκην, Χριστιανόν Ορθόδοξον Ελληνα,Επιστήμονα Ερευνητή, Μικράς Ασίας 13,Αγιος Νικόλαος της Αναβύσσου,19013 Αττική,τηλ+φαξ 22910-55275 ,






Δύο Πακιστανοί Λαθρομετανάστες Βασάνισαν!! και Δολοφόνησαν!!! Χριστιανόν Αρχιμανδρίτη

στον Γέρακα της Αττικής, που τους ανοιξε την πόρτα του σπιτιού του για να τους...βοηθήσει...

και ο νοών νοήτω...

Αναλυτικά διαβάστε για τους ΛΑΘΡΟΜΕΤΑΝΑΣΤΕΣ ΔΟΛΟΦΟΝΟΥΣ στις Ιντερνετ δ/νσεις






http://news247.gr/ ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika -seis/koinonia/eglima/eksixniasthke-h-agria-dolofonia-toy-arximandrith-ston-geraka.4576549.html







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To: European Commissioner for Public HEALTH... Mr. Vytenis Andriukaitis,M.D.


From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Research Scientist,Physicist graduated with Excellent degree from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece, M.Sc. from McGill University of Canada financed with Canadian Scholarship, former Manager of Systems Design & Development in Canada , postal address : Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou,19013 Attiki,Greece, tel+fax:+30-2291055275 ,




Request for Consultation and for Promotion of its Scientific Research & for Removal of the High Barriers put to its creator...


Dear Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis,M.D.


I write again to you Sir ,because primarily you are a Doctor of Medicine and because you are the European Commissioner for the public Health and because you have already replied to me in a previous letter concerning my “The Unified Theory of Oncology” Fundamental Theoretical Scientific Research.Please forgive me for many emails that I have sent to you on themes that I consider of critical importance, but in this letter I address you as Doctor of Medicine on the Vital Theme of Fundamental Oncological/Cancer Scientific Research that in my case confrond Huge Barriers in my resources(non-materials & materials) and in its publication from the mass communication media and elsewhere...

Please allow me to explain scientifically why I consider Vital my “The Unified Theory of Oncology” in the Oncological/Cancer scientific research and possibly in future cure of cancer illness , at least in most of its cases …

[1] My initial concept,from 1983, of considering theoretically the living cell as analogous of a computer system , with a coordinating system(initially called C.P.U. althought it can be a distributed system) with molecular and submolecular information network(s) [which also include a memory system] to control the cell functions including its multiplication rate is very logical and valid today as I consider valid today that specific abnormalities of the above “computer system” of the living cell can lead to Cancer formation...The components of the living cell “computer system”(f.e. Molecular & Sub-molecular structures, Catalysts of chemical reactions,E.T.C.) is to be found from the applied oncological research.My theory act as a “Compass” by accelarating! the applied Oncological research in two ways 1) by providing the general guiding Concept of “Computer system” analogous for the living cell and 2) by providing Targeted bibliography to guide the applied scientific research...

My “The Unified Theory of Oncology” as a set of scientific articles exist in my C.V.+CD of July 2014 that exist in the office of the previous President of European Parliament Mr Martin Schulz , in the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Greece, in the Canadian Embassy in Greece, in the All Medical Doctors of Greece Association, in the Criminal Prosecution of the first instance Court in Athens, Greece and Elsewhere...Additional information can be found by Internet search using the “key” words “Unified Theory of Oncology” , “Joseph Christos Kondylakis”, “Ιωσήφ Χρήστος Κονδυλάκης” ,...


[2] For scientific Comparison compare my scientific research in 1983 (on “Computer system” analogy of living cell and molecular & submoleculars information networks) with the in 1983 cancer research of the University of Harvard by Prof. Christos Antoniades (that the cancer is only and precisely a... pirate-virus!...) [Read on the latter part of this letter]


[3] The International Organization C.E.R.N. is interested for my “The Unified Theory of Oncology” and its Comparison with the cancer research with the University of Harvard of USA and issued to me its ticket: TICKET NO: INC1268850

SHORT DESCRIPTION: Scientific Comparison of Cancer research of
Joseph-Christos Kondylakis...and...Harvard University in USA , since
1983 & THINK !!! …

[4] My initial “The Unified Theory of Oncology” received Good scientific comments in 1983 by Prof. Shigekoto Kaihara M.D. of the University of Tokyo,Japan who also special encouraged me to work on my scientific research in oncology and Prof. Shigekoto Kaihara is considered scientifically a Giant in the field of Medical Informatics . Also in 1984 among others Good scientific comments for my Theory I received Good scientific comments from Prof. R.K. Mishra ,Chairman of All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, in New Delhi,India, who expressed his interest to visit me personally in Greece. Also in 1997 a summary of my Theory was presented in an European Universities Conference in Oncology and in about in 2004 it was published in the scientific journal “Iatriko Bima” issue 84 of All Medical Doctors of Greece Association...


[5] E.T.C.


Because of the above , and because Very Big Barriers!! put to me to Stop!! me from further scientific research and None!! mass communication media in Greece and internationally want to publish about my “The Unified Theory of Oncology” and the European Parliament/Committee on Petitions,European Ombudsman,Court of European Union & Others put High Barriers!! to me and to my scientific researches in Oncology/Cancer and also in the International Nuclear Safety , please give me your Consultation as Medical Doctor and as European Commissioner:

a) What to do to promote my scientific research on “The Unified Theory of Oncology” for high benefits of Europe and Humanity...

B) How you and Others (to whom feel free to communicate my this letter) can Remove the High Barriers put to me and to help me to continue my scientific research(es)...

c)How you and others can help so an investigation committee to be created to investigate my case(s)...

d) Any additional help is very welcome (...and I hope to receive your reply to my letter)













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Request for Consultation and for Promotion of its Scientific Research & for Removal & for

Investigations of the High Barriers put to its creator,etc,...


From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Research Scientist,Physicist graduated with Excellent degree from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece, M.Sc. from McGill University of Canada financed with Canadian Scholarship, former Manager of Systems Design & Development in Canada , postal address : Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou,19013 Attiki,Greece, tel+fax:+30-2291055275 ,



...In this letter I address,Nationaly & Internationaly, the Scientific Community,the Administrations and the Public on the Vital Theme of Fundamental Oncological/Cancer Scientific Research that in my case are put Huge Barriers in my resources(non-materials & materials) and in the publication of my Scientific Research(es) from the mass communication media and elsewhere...

Please allow me to explain scientifically why I consider Vital my “The Unified Theory of Oncology” in the Oncological/Cancer scientific research and possibly for future cure of cancer illness , at least in most of its cases …

[1] My initial concept,from 1983, was to consider theoretically the living cell as analogous of a computer system , with a coordinating system(initially called C.P.U. althought it may be a distributed system) with molecular and submolecular information network(s) [which also include a memory system] to control the cell functions including its multiplication rate.This is very logical and valid today as I consider valid today that specific abnormalities of the above “computer system” of the living cell can lead to Cancer formation...The components of the living cell “computer system”(f.e. Molecular & Sub-molecular structures, Catalysts of chemical reactions,E.T.C.) is to be found from the applied oncological research.My theory act as a “Compass” by directing & accelarating! the applied Oncological research in three ways 1) by providing the general systematic guiding Concept of “Computer system” analogy for the living cell , 2) by providing Targeted bibliography to guide the applied scientific research and 3) by helping in a Unified concept interpreting & guiding experimental results...

My “The Unified Theory of Oncology” as a set of scientific articles exist in my C.V.+CD of July 2014 that exist in the office of the previous President of European Parliament Mr Martin Schulz , in the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Greece, in the Canadian Embassy in Greece, in the All Medical Doctors of Greece Association, in the Criminal Prosecution of the first instance Court in Athens, Greece and Elsewhere...Additional information can be found by Internet search using the “key” words “Unified Theory of Oncology” , “Joseph Christos Kondylakis”, “Ιωσήφ Χρήστος Κονδυλάκης” ,...


[2] For scientific Comparison compare my scientific research in 1983 (on “Computer system” analogy of living cell and molecular & submoleculars information networks) with the in 1983 cancer research of the University of Harvard by Prof. Christos Antoniades (Harvard think that the cancer is only and precisely a... pirate-virus!...) [Study the ref. [1] or/and my previous communication to you]


[3] The Top Scientific Intelligence Research & Laboratoty International Organization C.E.R.N. near Geneva is interested for my “The Unified Theory of Oncology” and its Comparison with the cancer research with the University of Harvard of USA and issued to me its ticket: TICKET NO: INC1268850

SHORT DESCRIPTION: Scientific Comparison of Cancer research of
Joseph-Christos Kondylakis...and...Harvard University in USA , since
1983 & THINK !!! …

[4] My initial “The Unified Theory of Oncology” received Good scientific comments in 1983 by Prof. Shigekoto Kaihara M.D. of the University of Tokyo,Japan who also special encouraged me to work on my scientific research in oncology and Prof. Shigekoto Kaihara is considered scientifically a Giant in the field of Medical Informatics . Also in 1984 among others Good scientific comments for my Theory I received Good scientific comments from Prof. R.K. Mishra ,Chairman of All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, in New Delhi,India, who expressed his interest to visit me personally in Greece. Also in 1997 a summary of my Theory was presented in the 7th European InterUniversity Symposium on “Recent Advances in Diagnostic Imaging and Supportive Care in Oncology” and in about in 2004 it was published (via article' Internet site) in the scientific journal “Iatriko Bima” issue 84 of All Medical Doctors of Greece Association...


[5] E.T.C.


Because of the above , and because Very Big Barriers!! put to me to Stop!! me from further scientific research and None!! mass communication media in Greece and internationally want to publish about my “The Unified Theory of Oncology” and the European Parliament/Committee on Petitions,European Ombudsman,Court of European Union & Others put High Barriers!! to me and to my scientific researches in Oncology/Cancer and also in my scientific research in the International Nuclear Safety and in other fields , therefore please give me your Advice and Help on:

a) What to do to promote my scientific research on “The Unified Theory of Oncology” for high benefits of Europe and Humanity...

B) How you and Others (to whom feel free to communicate my this letter) can Remove the High Barriers put to me and to help me to continue my scientific research(es)...

c)How you and others can help so an investigation committee(s) to be created to investigate my case(s)...

d) Any additional help is very welcome (...and I hope to receive your reply to my letter)


Your references are:

[1] “Scientific Comparison of Cancer research of J.C. Kondylakis vs Harvard University” in Internet site: https://www.e-psychology.gr/forum/threads/23669-Scientific-Comparison-of-Cancer-research-of-J-C-Kondylakis-vs-Harvard-Univ

[2] “Some of Vital scientific research of J.C. Kondylakis in Oncology, International Nuclear Safety (Petition,Thinking)” in Internet site: https://semfe.gr/forum/viewforum.php?f=21

[3] “Blocking Scientific Research in Oncology” in Internet site:


[4] Our previous related communications...



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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

To: I.C.C.'Prosecutor,U.N.,European Authorities,Embassies of Nations,Europol,Eurojust,Others

To: Criminal Prosecutions of Athens,Greece,N.I.S.,Greek Police (Αυτεπαγγέλτως)


From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Research Scientist,Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou, 19013 Attiki,Greece,tel+fax:+30-2291055275 , Monday-20-March-2017


Fax:1+2=3 pages




[Everything is possible when the Facts exist...]


Dear Sir(s) or Madam(s)


  1. I try to communicate with the “European Society of Medical Oncology” and my email communication with its email addresses esmo@esmo.org , reception@esmo.org are continuous! Blocked! and my emais return back to me as undeliverable (f.e my[sifiskon@otenet.gr] today email to reception@esmo.org at 15h 30m p.m. GR time) and also ESMO Fax 00-41-919731902 do NOT accept my faxes (f.e. I tried today about 15h 20m p.m. GR time) although the in reception woman that answered to me today (about 15h 15m p.m GR-time) in ESMO telephone 00-41-919731900 says to me that she is certain that both ESMO emails and Fax work well and they(ESMO) normally receive Faxes & emails...

  2. I tried today (about 15h 40m p.m GR-time) to communicate with “International Agency for Research in Cancer” with its tel 00-33-472738485 and fax 00-33472738475 and the communication was impossible as continuously! in the past was impossible(Not even ringing in tel & fax) the communication...

  3. I have communicated with”Association of European Cancer Leagues” the following 2 pages fax of mine, but the woman who verified that she received my fax says me continuously! that the Association of European Cancer Leagues cannot be involved in my case(s)...


In my scientific understanding my , in the next two pages, fax with the title”THE UNIFIED THEORY OF ONCOLOGY/CANCER AS “COMPASS” TO GUIDE IN ACCELARATING WAY THE APPLIED ONCOLOGICAL/CANCER RESEARCH...” is Vital for the Humanity , for the scientific reasons explained in this fax......AND


the Puting of High Barriers! in the creators of Fundamental Scientific Research in Oncology/Cancer is a very serius Criminal act and it may be considered also as a Crime Against Humanity! , because of these High Barriers put to scientific researchers may be responsible for even millions of Human deaths that otherwise possibly may be saved with early finding of cure for cancer disease , at least in most of its cases, if this Blocking! of Fundamental scientific research was not existing...


Please carefully Study my following & previously mentioned article[And in its Internet sites!!] and I ask your Thinking & Actions so to investigate my case(s) , remove the High Barriers continuously(for decades of years) put to me and assist us in our Fundamental scientific research in Vital Themes of Oncology,International Nuclear Safety & in other research fields for High benefits of the Humanity...

s.n : My personal case may be an example of perhaps much more generalized Illegaly Controlled scientific research which go against Vital interests of Humanity and against the Gentiles...




Request for Consultation and for Promotion of its Scientific Research & for Removal & for

Investigations of the High Barriers put to its creator,etc,...


From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Research Scientist,Physicist graduated with Excellent degree from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece, M.Sc. from McGill University of Canada financed with Canadian Scholarship, former Manager of Systems Design & Development in Canada , postal address : Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou,19013 Attiki,Greece, tel+fax:+30-2291055275 ,



...In this letter I address,Nationaly & Internationaly, the Scientific Community,the Administrations and the Public on the Vital Theme of Fundamental Oncological/Cancer Scientific Research that in my case are put Huge Barriers in my resources(non-materials & materials) and in the publication of my Scientific Research(es) from the mass communication media and elsewhere...

Please allow me to explain scientifically why I consider Vital my “The Unified Theory of Oncology” in the Oncological/Cancer scientific research and possibly for future cure of cancer illness , at least in most of its cases …

[1] My initial concept,from 1983, was to consider theoretically the living cell as analogous of a computer system , with a coordinating system(initially called C.P.U. althought it may be a distributed system) with molecular and submolecular information network(s) [which also include a memory system] to control the cell functions including its multiplication rate.This is very logical and valid today as I consider valid today that specific abnormalities of the above “computer system” of the living cell can lead to Cancer formation...The components of the living cell “computer system”(f.e. Molecular & Sub-molecular structures, Catalysts of chemical reactions,E.T.C.) is to be found from the applied oncological research.My theory act as a “Compass” by directing & accelarating! the applied Oncological research in three ways 1) by providing the general systematic guiding Concept of “Computer system” analogy for the living cell , 2) by providing Targeted bibliography to guide the applied scientific research and 3) by helping in a Unified concept interpreting & guiding experimental results...

My “The Unified Theory of Oncology” as a set of scientific articles exist in my C.V.+CD of July 2014 that exist in the office of the previous President of European Parliament Mr Martin Schulz , in the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Greece, in the Canadian Embassy in Greece, in the All Medical Doctors of Greece Association, in the Criminal Prosecution of the first instance Court in Athens, Greece and Elsewhere...Additional information can be found by Internet search using the “key” words “Unified Theory of Oncology” , “Joseph Christos Kondylakis”, “Ιωσήφ Χρήστος Κονδυλάκης” ,...


[2] For scientific Comparison compare my scientific research in 1983 (on “Computer system” analogy of living cell and molecular & submoleculars information networks) with the in 1983 cancer research of the University of Harvard by Prof. Christos Antoniades (Harvard think that the cancer is only and precisely a... pirate-virus!...) [Study the ref. [1] or/and my previous communication to you]


[3] The Top Scientific Intelligence Research & Laboratoty International Organization C.E.R.N. near Geneva is interested for my “The Unified Theory of Oncology” and its Comparison with the cancer research with the University of Harvard of USA and issued to me its ticket: TICKET NO: INC1268850

SHORT DESCRIPTION: Scientific Comparison of Cancer research of
Joseph-Christos Kondylakis...and...Harvard University in USA , since
1983 & THINK !!! …

[4] My initial “The Unified Theory of Oncology” received Good scientific comments in 1983 by Prof. Shigekoto Kaihara M.D. of the University of Tokyo,Japan who also special encouraged me to work on my scientific research in oncology and Prof. Shigekoto Kaihara is considered scientifically a Giant in the field of Medical Informatics . Also in 1984 among others Good scientific comments for my Theory I received Good scientific comments from Prof. R.K. Mishra ,Chairman of All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, in New Delhi,India, who expressed his interest to visit me personally in Greece. Also in 1997 a summary of my Theory was presented in the 7th European InterUniversity Symposium on “Recent Advances in Diagnostic Imaging and Supportive Care in Oncology” and in about in 2004 it was published (via article' Internet site) in the scientific journal “Iatriko Bima” issue 84 of All Medical Doctors of Greece Association...


[5] E.T.C.


Because of the above , and because Very Big Barriers!! put to me to Stop!! me from further scientific research and None!! mass communication media in Greece and internationally want to publish about my “The Unified Theory of Oncology” and the European Parliament/Committee on Petitions,European Ombudsman,Court of European Union & Others put High Barriers!! to me and to my scientific researches in Oncology/Cancer and also in my scientific research in the International Nuclear Safety and in other fields , therefore please give me your Advice and Help on:

a) What to do to promote my scientific research on “The Unified Theory of Oncology” for high benefits of Europe and Humanity...

B) How you and Others (to whom feel free to communicate my this letter) can Remove the High Barriers put to me and to help me to continue my scientific research(es)...

c)How you and others can help so an investigation committee(s) to be created to investigate my case(s)...

d) Any additional help is very welcome (...and I hope to receive your reply to my letter)


Your references are:

[1] “Scientific Comparison of Cancer research of J.C. Kondylakis vs Harvard University” in Internet site: https://www.e-psychology.gr/forum/threads/23669-Scientific-Comparison-of-Cancer-research-of-J-C-Kondylakis-vs-Harvard-Univ

[2] “Some of Vital scientific research of J.C. Kondylakis in Oncology, International Nuclear Safety (Petition,Thinking)” in Internet site: https://semfe.gr/forum/viewforum.php?f=21

[3] “Blocking Scientific Research in Oncology” in Internet site:


[4] Our previous related communications...



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To: I.C.C.'Prosecutor,European Authorities,Embassies of Nations,Others...
Πρός τις Εισαγγελείες[Α.Π.+Εφετών+Πρωτοδικών] Αθηνών+Ε.Υ.Π.+Ελληνική Αστυνομία

From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Research Scientist,Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou, 19013 Attiki,Greece,tel+fax:+30-2291055275,Friday-24-March-2017

Your relevant reference are:
[1] “Blocking Scientific Research in Oncology” in Internet site:
[2] “Some of Vital scientific research of J.C. Kondylakis in Oncology,
International Nuclear Safety (Petition,Thinking)” in Internet site:

From Monday-20-March-2017 afternoon my communications with United Nations General Secretary Faxes 00-1-2129632155 And 00-1-2129634879 are Both BLOCKED and I cannot send Faxes to United Nations...For example I tried to send Fax on Tuesday-21-March-2017 time 12h 50m – 55m a.m GR time , Tuesday-21-March-2017 time 9h 50m a.m GR time , Friday-24-March-2017 time 1h 27m a.m. GR time and continuously my Fax communications with the United Nations was BLOCKED (viz no calling signal, as dead line) . My telephone lines was working normally for other national and international calls , except those that was Blocked!...

To realize how serious is the Blocking of my telephone & fax communications with Vital scientific and Political,E.T.C.  Organizations , I inform you that the Criminal Prosecution of the first instance criminal court of Athens,Greece , after evaluating a law action that I have made, it started criminal investigations on the Blocking of ALL of my telephone & fax communications with ALL Faculties,Schools,Personnel at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece, from which I graduated with Excellent degree in Physics... 

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από τον Ιωσήφ-Χρήστον Κ. Κονδυλάκην/Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,αριστούχο Φυσικό του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου της Θεσσαλονίκης,M.Sc από το Πανεπιστήμιο του McGill του Καναδά με Καναδική υποτροφία,τέως Διευθυντή Σχεδιάσεως Συστημάτων & Αναπτύξεως εις τον Καναδά, τηλ+φαξ : 22910-55275 , ταχυδρομική διυθυνση :  περιοχή Αναβυσσου,19013 Αττική
Σχετικές πληροφορίες υπάρχουν και εις το Ιντερνετ ,που ευρήσκονται ψάχνοντας με λέξεις “κλειδιά”
“Unified Theory Oncology” , “Joseph Christos Kondylakis” , “Ιωσήφ Χρήστος Κονδυλάκης”

 Α. Η Γενική Ιδέα της θεωρίας μου, από το 1983, “Η ΕΝΟΠΟΙΗΜΕΝΗ ΘΕΩΡΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΟΓΚΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ” βασίζεται εις την Κυτταρική Μοριακή και Υπο-μοριακή Πληροφορική..., ήτοι
Με πολύ απλά λόγια μία διευκρίνηση για το θέμα μας, δια την αρχή της κατανοήσεως του και δια  την αντίληψη της  επιστημονική του συμβολής εις πολλούς τομείς των επιστημών,κ.α.,κ.τ.λ.,...
Η επί πάρα πολλές Δεκαετίες! αποτυχημένη έρευνα της ΑΙΤΙΑΣ(ΩΝ) του Καρκίνου οφείλεται εις την ελλειψη ΕΝΟΠΟΙΗΜΕΝΗΣ!!! Θεωρίας του Καρκίνου που να ισχύει δια ΟΛΟΥΣ!!! τους τύπους του Καρκίνου και η οποία να αποτελέσει την "ΠΥΞΙΔΑ" προσανατολισμού των εφαρμοσμένων Ογκολογινκών ερευνων και δια ερμηνεία των αποτελεσμάτων τους, με τελικό στόχο την πιθανώς αποτελεσματική θεραπεία της Καρκινικής Αρρώστιας εις τον Ανθρωπο και άλλα εμβυια όντα...
Εστιάστε στην Ουσία της επιστημονικής μου Θεωρίας που είναι ότι στην μοριακή και υπομοριακή πληροφορική (που περιλαμβάνει και την γεννετική) & τα πληροφοριακά δικτυώματα τους, που ελέγχουν τον ρυθμό πολλαπλασιασμού του κυττάρου βρίσκεται η αιτία της καρκινικής αρρωστιας,κ.τ.λ
Η αρχική μου γενική ιδέα από το 1983 είναι να θεωρήσουμε το ζωντανό κύτταρο ως ανάλογο ενός συστήματος ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστή, με ένα συντονιστικό σύστημα(αρχικώς το ονόμαζα C.P.U. ,αν και μπορεί να είναι ένα κατανεμημένο σύστημα) με μοριακά και υπομοριακά δικτυώμα(τα)(τα οποία συμπεριλαμβάνουν ένα σύστημα μνήμης) και τα οποία ρυθμίζουν τις κυτταρικές λειτουργίες , συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του ρυθμού πολλαπλασιασμού του κυττάρου.Τούτο είναι πολύ λογικό και θεωρώ ότι ισχύει και σήμερα και ειδικές ανωμαλίες του ανωτέρω “υπολογιστικού συστήματος” του ζωντανού κυττάρου μπορούν να οδηγήσουν σε εμφάνιση καρκίνου...Οι συνιστώσες του ζωντανού κυτταρικού “υπολογιστικού συστήματος” (π.χ. μοριακές και υπομοριακές δομές,καταλύτες χημικών αντιδράσεων,κ.τ.λ.) πρόκειται να ευρεθούν από την εφηρμοσμένη καρκινική έρευνα.Η θεωρία μου δρά ως “πυξίδα” προσανατολισμού και επιταχύνσεως κατευθύνοντας την εφηρμοσμένη καρκινική έρευνα με τρείς τρόπους 1)με το να παράσχει μία γενική ιδέα  ενός γενικού συστηματικού οδηγού επιστημονικής έρευνας μέσω αναλογίας με “συστήμα πληροφορικής” δια το ζωντανό κύτταρο , 2) με το να παράσχει Στοχευμένη βιβλιογραφία καθοδηγούσα τους επιστήμονες ερευνητές ,και 3) με το να παράσχει μία Ενοποιημένη γενική ιδέα για την ερμηνεία και καθοδήγηση των πειραματικών αποτελεσμάτων της ογκολογική έρευνας...

B. Η Γενική ιδέα του Πανεπιστημίου του Χάρβαρντ των Η.Π.Α. υπό τον Καθηγητή Χρήστο Αντωνιαδη ,το 1983 , ήταν ότι...ένας ιός πειρατής ήταν η αιτία του καρκίνου...
Σας αναφέρουμε κατωτέρω αποσπάσματα από την σχετική συνέντευξη του καθηγητού Χρήστου Αντωνιάδη του Πανεπιστημίου του Χάρβαρντ των Η.Π.Α. εις την με μεγάλη  σε κυκλοφορία εφημερίδα της Ελλάδος “Τό Βήμα” της Κυριακής-30-Οκτωβρίου-1983 , σελίδες 14-15 :
-”Μία Καταπληκτική είδηση για την σχέση ιών-καρκίνου, που ίσως αποδειχθεί η σημαντικώτερη επιστημονική είδηση του...αιώνα...ο ιός του σαρκώματος των πιθήκων,αποδεικνύεται τώρα ένας ιός... πειρατής που δημιουργεί την καρκινική νεοπλασία...”
-”Μοιάζει με υπεραπλούστευση, αλλά αυτός Ακριβώς (!) είναι ο μηχανισμός του καρκίνου”...
-”Εργάστηκε γι'αυτόν ο ηλεκτρονικός εγκέφαλος κι εβγαλε τα συμπεράσματα του σε λίγα λεπτά της ώρας...”
-”Μέσα στην...επόμενη δεκαετία η νόσος (του Καρκίνου) θα έχει κατανικηθεί...τελείως”...

Σχόλεια του Ιωσήφ-Χρήστου Κ. Κονδυλάκη , το 1983 , που πρωτοδιάβασε το παραπάνω άρθρο του Πανεπιστημίου του Χάρβαρντ (University of Harvard) των Η.Π.Α.
Μα, ειναι ευρύτατα γνωστό ότι ο Καρκίνος προκαλείται και από ραδιενεργές ακτινοβολίες α,β,γ, νετρόνια και από ακτίνες Χ και από καρκινογόνες χημικές ουσίες,κ.τ.λ....Τι Τεράστιο Σφάλμα!! με το να λέει το πανεπιστήμιο του Χάρβαρντ των Η.Π.Α. ότι ο καρκίνος προκαλείται από...μόνο ένα είδος ιού τον Simian Sargoma Virus...και...Ολα τα εθνικά και Διεθνή Μέσα Μαζικής Επικοινωνίας να... Υπερδιαφημίζουν!!! το Χάρβαρντ...

Γ. Η αρχική “Ενοποιημένη Θεωρία της Ογκολογίας” μου έλαβε πολύ καλά επιστημονικά σχόλεια από το 1983 από τον Καθηγητή του Πανεπιστημίου του Τόκυο της Ιαπωνίας Prof. Shigekoto Kaihara,Ιατρό ο οποίος με ενθάρυνε δια περαιτέρω έρευνα εις την ογκολογία και ο οποίος θεωρείται παγκοσμίως ως “Γίγαντας” εις την Ιατρική Πληροφορική. Επίσης το 1984 μεταξύ άλλων καλών επιστημονικών σχολείων , έλαβα πολύ καλά επιστημονικά σχόλεια από τον Καθηγητή Prof. R.K. Mishra, πρόεδρο του τμήματος της Βιοφυσικής του Ολοκλήρου της Ινδίας Ινστιτούτου των Ιατρικών Επιστημών , ο οποίος εξέφρασε το ενδιαφέρον να με επισκευθεί προσωπικώς εις την Ελλάδα. Επίσης το 1997 μία περίληψη της “Ενοποιημένης Θεωρίας της Ογκολογίας” μου παρουσιάστηκε εις το Ευρωπα'ι'κό Πανεπιστημιακό Συνέδριο Ογκολογίας 7th European InterUniversity Symposium on “Recent Advances in Diagnostic Imaging & Supporting care in Oncology” και περίπου το 2004 δημοσιεύθηκε(μέσω της Ιντερνετ διεύθυνσης του πολυσέλιδου μου άρθρου/ Ιατρική On-Line)  η “Ενοποιημένη Θεωρία της Ογκολογίας” μου εις το επιστημονικό περιοδικό “Ιατρικό Βήμα” τεύχος 84 του Πανελληνίου Ιατρικού Συλλόγου, και το 2017 ο πλέον νοήμων Διεθνής Οργανισμός C.E.R.N. πλησίον της Γενεύης ενδιαφέρθηκε δια την Θεωρία μου της Ενοποιημένης Ογκολογίας και την σύγκριση της με τις καρκινικές έρευνες του πανεπιστημίου του Χάρβαντ και ενεργοποίησε προς τον σκοπό αυτό την σχετική υπηρεσία του C.E.R.N. εκδίδοντας μου το TICKET NO: INC1268850
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Scientific Comparison of Cancer research of
Joseph-Christos Kondylakis...and...Harvard University in USA , since
1983 & THINK !!! …
Δ. Η “Ενοποιημένη Θεωρία της Ογκολογίας”  είναι ένα σύνολο από επιστημονικά άρθρα μου, που υπάρχουν εις το βιογραφικό μου του Ιουλίου 2014 μαζί με το συνοδευτικό του CD ,και το βιογραφικό+CD μου του Ιουλίου 2014 υπάρχει εις το γραφείο του τέως προέδρου του Ευρωπα'ι'κού Κοινοβουλίου Mr. Martin Scultz , εις την Βασιλική Ολλανδική Πρεσβεία εν τη Ελλάδι, εις την Καναδική Πρεσβεία εν τη Ελλάδι, εις τον Πανελλήνιο Ιατρικό Σύλλογο, εις την Εισαγγελεία Πρωτοδικών Αθηνών και Αλλού...
Ε. Σχετική περαιτέρω πληροφόρηση υπάρχει εις τα κατωτέρω
[1] “Scientific Comparison of Cancer research of J.C. Kondylakis vs
Harvard University” in Internet site:
[2] “Some of Vital scientific research of J.C. Kondylakis in Oncology,
International Nuclear Safety (Petition,Thinking)” in Internet site:
[3] “Blocking Scientific Research in Oncology” in Internet site:
[4] Προηγούμενες σχετικές επικοινωνίες μου με Επιστημονικούς Οργανισμούς ,την Ευρωπα'ι'κή Ενωση, Πρεσβείες Εθνών , Εισαγγελείες Αθηνών και Αλλού...

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To: U.N. , I.C.C.'Prosecutor , European Authorities,Embassies of Nations, Scientific Community,Others
Special c.c.  Canadian Embassy in Greece , Royal Netherlands Embassy in Greece,....
Κοινοποίηση πρός τις Εισαγγελείες[Α.Π.+Εφετών+Πρωτοδικών]+Ε.Υ.Π.+Ελλην. Αστυνομία+Αλλους
                                  as Continuation of our communications....

From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis, Physicist/Research Scientist, Mikras Asias 13, Agios Nikolaos, Anavissou, 19013 Attiki, Greece, tel+fax:+30-2291055275 , Sunday-26-March-2017

                                         My New Initial Thinking....

   My “Unified Theory of Oncology” was created in 1983 inspired from physics,informatics/computer science,biology,chemistry,electronics.,mathematics,...
   My initial idea was that the laws of above sciences are valid for a living cell and that the cancer illness can be explained by proper use of the above sciences/technologies and hopefully My Theory of Unified Oncology   may Guide! the Applied Oncological scientific research towards to a possible prevention and cure of cancer illness at least in very most of its cases,e.t.c.,...
   In 1983 , I was searching theoretically for the “CPU”(Central Processing Unit)  system of the cell and I was using the computer system analogy for a living cell, f.e. the DNA & possible other(s)? as Memory of the “Cell Computer” , the flow of information in the cell as the “Bus of Computer” , the interactions of cell with its environment as the “Input/Output of Computer”, e.t.c.
  Let here clarify that the Cell “C.P.U. of computer” system perhaps may be a “distributed C.P.U.” system ,e.t.c.,...

After scientific thinking ,I recommend to scientific researchers for further scientific research in my “Unified Theory of Oncology” initially the following relevant bibliography:
[1] “The Unified Theory of Oncology” (set of articles) in C.V. +CD of July 2014 of Joseph-Christos Kondylakis that exist f.e. in the criminal prosecution of the first instance criminal court in Athens, Greece, office of the President of European Parliament,Canadian Embassy in Greece,  Royal Netherlands Embassy in  Greece & Elsewhere...
[2] “Applied Cell & Molecular Biology for Engineers” by Gabi N. Waite & Other , 2007
[3] “Computer from Logic to Architecture”, 2nd edition, by Dowsing , 2000
[4] “Radioamateurs Handbook: for Radio communications” by ARRL , 2013
[5] “The Cell Cycle:An introduction” by Andrew Murray & Other , 1993
[6] “Introduction to Cellular & Molecular Biology of Cancer” by L.M. Frank(editor) & Others, 1997
[7] “Molecular Communications” by Tadashi Nakano & Other, 2013
[8] “Molecular Communications & Nanonetworks” by Baris Atakan , 2014
[9] “Networks in Cell Biology” by Buchanan Mark  & Other, 2010
[10] “Communication within Animal Cells” by Greg J. Barritt, 1992
[11] “Computational Modeling & Genetics & Biochemical Networks” by James Bower, 2001
[12] “Signaling Networks & Cell Cycle Control: the Molecular Basis of Cancer and other diseases” by
          J. Silvio Gutkind (editor) & Others , 2000
[13] “Cancer Signaling: From Molecular Biology to Targeted Therapy”
          by Christoph Wagener , Carol Stocking , Oliver Müller , 2016

The history of “The Unified Theory of Oncology” : It was created in 1983 & received very good scientific comments from Prof. Shigekoto Kaihara(considered as Giant in Medical Informatics),M.D. of University of Tokyo ,Japan,1983 and Prof. R.K. Mishra ,Biophysicist,All-India Institute of Medical Sciences ,NewDelhi, India,1984 and Others and later part of it it was presented in European Scientific Symposium “Recent Advances in Diagnostic Imaging And Supportive Care in Oncology” 17-20 July 1997 , Thessaloniki,Makedonia,Greece and also it was published in the scientific journal “Iatriko Bima” issue 84 (in its section Medicine On-line) of the Hellenic Medical Doctors Association,E.T.C....

Some relevant information exist in Internet sites:




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  • 3 weeks later...

To: U.N.,I.C.C.'Prosecutor,European Authorities,Embassies of Nations,Others...
Πρός τις Εισαγγελείες[Α.Π.+Εφετών+Πρωτοδικών] Αθηνών+Ε.Υ.Π.+Ελλην. Αστυνομία+Αλλους...
Special communication to {Royal Embassy of Netherlands+Canadian Embassy} in Greece.

From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Nuclear Physicist & Research Scientist in Basic Fundamental Scientific Research, Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou,19013 Attiki, Greece,
tel+fax:+30-2291055275 , Thursday-13-April-2017              [ fax : two pages ]


Your references may be found by using Internet search “key” words “Joseph Christos Kondylakis” , “Unified Theory Oncology”, “Kondylakis Nuclear”, “Ιωσήφ Χρήστος Κονδυλάκης” and study the information(author Petition,Thinking viz Joseph-Christos Kondylakis)  in the Internet site :
and also study our previous relevant communications...

I am the scientist who made Basic Fundamental scientific research in many fields of sciences which open new directions in the scientific research  , including in the International Nuclear Safety with my original scientific article “Theoretically and under very special applied conditions a nuclear fission reactor may explode as nuclear bomb” available from the Internet site:
and in the Theoretical Oncology research , with my original set of articles entitled “The Unified Theory of Oncology” that exist in my CV with a CD of July 2014 which may be found in the office of General Director of C.E.R.N. , in the office of the former President of European Parliament Mr Marin Schulz , in the Royal Embassy of Netherlands in Greece, in the Canadian Embassy in Greece , in the All Medical Doctors Association of Greece, in the Criminal Prosecution of the first instance Criminal Court in Athens,Greece & Elsewhere...
Also I  research & investigate  the major problem for the future of Humanity , viz the existing Worldwide Satanic(kabbalah) Jewish Dictatorship which leads the Gentiles(Not jews) Humanity to 
De-humanization & Sub-Animalization, and the Gentiles & the planet Earth to Huge Catastrophe(s)...

Sending Petitions to European Parliament concerning my above VITAL scientific research the Petitions Committee of European Parliament ILLEGALY is NOT registering most of my VITAL Petitions or if registering certain of them it reject them with Clearly ILLEGAL & INJUSTICE “justifications” that f.e. the Nuclear Safety , Oncology/Cancer is...NOT inside the interests of European Union!!!...
I found from an Internet video of her ,that the Chair-woman of the Petitions Committee Mrs  Cecilia Wikstrom is vise-chairwoman in the fighting  anti-semitism group of European Parliament and this may be a proof that she in First priority fullfill Jewish interests ,and ignore!! Fundamental Vital European interests as the Nuclear Safety and Fundamental scientific research in Cancer illness...
Note that ILLEGALY the Petitions Committee of European Parliament STOP registering my Petitions to European Parliament...
I complained to the European Ombudsman for the Petitions Committee of European Parliament putting BARRIERS in the Fundamental scientific research in International Nuclear Safety , in Oncology/Cancer and in other Vital themes of my scientific research (as f.e. in Genetic Modified Organisms) , Macro Economics, Jewish Satanic(kabbalah) Worldwide Dictatorship and other Vital fields of Fundamental scientific research and the European Ombudsman rejected my complain WITHOUT SEARCHING FOR THE TRUE!!! , but on the justification that...my case contains “hate speak”...The European Ombudsman also put in First priority the Jewish interests and she also ignore!! Fundamental Vital European interests, as the International Nuclear Safety and the Basic & Fundamental scientific research in Oncology/Cancer illness...
My only option left  was to go to the General Court of European Union in Luxembourg, and I did two applications for Legal aid for the Petitions Committee of European Parliament STOPING my Basic Fundamental Scientific Research in International Nuclear Safety [case T-51/16 AJ ] and for STOPING my Basic Fundamental Scientific Research in Oncology/Cancer [case T-385/16 AJ].Both of my applications of Legal Aid was refering also to the Jewish factor as implied cause of putting BARRIERS for STOPING my Basic Fundamental Scientific researches.The President of general  court of European Union rejected Both of my applications for Legal Aid , the first on the STOPING my Petition on the VITAL International Nuclear Safety rejected with the justification that was outside of deadline for application(although inside the time of deadline I have made a simple fax application , that may be interpreted as extending the deadline time)
and the second application of mine for Legal Aid it was very clearly inside the deadline and extremely clear the ILLECAL action of the Committee of European Parliament of rejecting it with the justification that...Oncology/Cancer is NOT inside the European interests.The judge of the court of European Union was impossible to reject it on the essence of the matter , but he rejected it ,with the “justification” that … the proposed action has not been set out coherently and comprehencibly on the legal aid form...BUT as I received a fax from an Embassy it was clear that the proposed action has been set clearly coherently & comprehencibly on the legal aid form. The only explanation that I can give in both cases is that the Jewish interests count more and higher than the VITAL International Nuclear Safety & Oncology/Cancer Scientific research,E.T.C.,...
Also to be mentioned is that the European Commission/Energy STOPED my communications on my VITAL International Nuclear Safety, the Greek Justice do not legally protect me although many times I ask its help and the Jewish controlled mass communication media do not publish my VITAL Scientific researches and similar problems I confrond from the scientific journals & elsewhere...
The above may considered as a clear proof of how strong is the Jewish Satanic(kabbalah) Worldwide Dictatorship....and to ask from Free Gentiles(Not jews),worldwide, to help me in my cases , to Investigate my cases & my past history and to try to FREE Europe & the World from the “invisible” very strong Jewish Worldwide Satanic(kabbalah) Dictatorship leading the Humanity and planet Earth to their Huge Destruction...viz The Worst Crime in World History Against Humanity...S.O.S...S.O.S...

Τροποποιήθηκε από civilservant
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Κατ' αρχάς να σας ευχηθώ το ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ με Οικογενειακή Αγάπη+Υγεία+Χαρά...

Δι'όσους επιθυμούν να μελετήσουν και περαιτέρω ερευνήσουν  την ΕΝΟΠΟΙΗΜΕΝΗ ΘΕΩΡΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΟΓΚΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ μου, ο απλούστερος τρόπος είναι να ζητήσουν φωτοτυπία του βιογραφικού μου σημειώματος(Ιωσήφ-Χρήστος Κ. Κονδυλάκης) του Ιουλίου του 2014 και αντίγραφο του συνοδευτικού CD του από τον Πανελλήνιο Ιατρικό Συλλογο.
Επιπλέον των 13 βιβλίων που μετά από σοβαρή σκέψη σας συνέστησα ως "πηξίδα" βιβλιογραφία δια περαιτέρω επιστημονική έρευνα εις την ΕΝΟΠΟΙΗΜΕΝΗ ΘΕΩΡΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΟΓΚΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ μου , σας συνιστώ και το βιβλίο "Cell Signaling" by by Wendell Lim and Bruce Mayer, 2014.
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This is continuation of the 3 pages Fax of Joseph-Christos Kondylakis to ALL Judges of European Court on Human Rights , dated Wednesday-19-April-2017 ...




The Jew woman in the following Internet video Confess that the Jews are doing Rituals Murders of Human Sacrifices...



History of Super Terror Jewish Ritual Human Sacrifices exist in the following Internet vide



JEW Prof Ariel Toaff (born 1942) is a professor of Medieval and Renaissance History at Bar Ilan University in Israel, whose work has focused on Jews and their history in Italy.

He came to international prominence with the 2007 publication of the first edition of his controversial book Pasque Di Sangue (Passovers of Blood), in which he claimed historical basis[1] for ritual use of human blood, obtained by murder...JEW Prof. Ariel Toaf is the son of Elio Toaff, late former Chief Rabbi of Rome...

From the following Internet site you can download his book “Passovers of Blood” in English language in which the Jew Prof. Ariel Toaff Confess that the Jews are doing Super Terror Ritual Murders of Human Sacrifices



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To: I.C.C.'Prosecutor,European Authorities,Embassies of Nations,Interpol,Eurojust,Europol,Others...

Πρός τις Εισαγγελείες[Α.Π.+Εφετών+Πρωτοδικών] Αθηνών+Ε.Υ.Π.+Ελληνική Αστυνομία


From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Nuclear Physicist,Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou,

19013 Attiki,Greece, tel+fax:+30-2291055275 , Sunday-23-April-2017







Your references:

[1] Study & Research & Investigate on ALL of my Petitions to European Parliament (Not registered & Registered) that directly or indirectly may related to Terrorism...

[2] Study,Research,Investigate on actors & moral initiators for my case(s) communicated by Fax of 3+1=4 four(4) pages to the ALL Judges of the European Court of Human Rights ,with my faxes dated Wednesday-19-April-2017

[3] Very Carefully Watch & Think on the Simulated Terrorism Nuclear “Dirty Bomb” explosion in London,U.K. Factual Scenario...

presented in the B.B.C. Film “Dirty War” that exist also as Internet video in the Internet site:


[4] The New Nuclear Forensics: Analysis of Nuclear Materials for Security Purposes (SIPRI Monographs) – 13 Aug 2015 , by Vitaly Fedchenko (Editor)

[5] Others...



  1. The Nuclear Terrorisn Scenario in reference [3] is NOT the worst case scenarion of nuclear “dirty bomb”. The worst case scenario of nuclear “dirty bomb” involve dispersion of Plutonium , because 0.000001 gram of Plutonium if it is inhalled by a human can cause Cancer...

  2. The deep motivation for modern wars and terrorism very possibly is initiated by Huge economical interests which control the Gentiles Nations Debt(s), the world media,the financial institutions,the international secret societies,e.t.c....we expect that the “clush of civilizations” promoted by their controlled world media very possibly is their plan...

    In practical terms this means to expect “false flags” operations involved in nuclear terrorism...

  3. The biggest problem in the Politicians & Others in the perception & in understanding of the world affairs is that they are brain-washed by the actual monopoly & control of world news and related information coming from the international controlled mass communication media...

    A practical solution may be to study information and books from rare real opposide sides , but there is extremely strong International Cencorship , even to nobel price winners authors as the last book of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn , entitled “Two Hundred Years Together” is NOT allow to be published in English language... This noblel price winner Alexandr Solzhenitsyn'book refers to the Holocaust/Killing of about 60 Millions!!! Humans ,in USSR ,mainly Christians, caused this Huge Holocaust/Killing by Jewish orders...






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ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ...από τον ιωσήφ-Χρήστο Κονδυλάκη


Βρήκα στην κατωτέρω "μυστική" Ιντερνετ διεύθυνση 



Κατεβάστε το(Download it) από το Ιντερνετ και Μελετήστε το και Σκεφθήτε ,Καταλάβετε!! και Αντιδράστε...



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by the Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Research Scientist,Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou,

19013 Attiki,Greece, tel+fax:+30-2291055275 , Thursday-27-April-2017

Your references:

[1] My “The Unified Theory of Oncology” , a set of scientific articles” ,that exist in the Joseph-Christos Kondylakis' CV+accompanied CD of July 2014 which exist in the office of the General Director of C.E.R.N., office of previous President of European Parliament Mr. Martin Schulz, Royal Embassy of Netherlands in Greece, Canadian Embassy in Greece, All Medical Doctors Association of Greece, Criminal Prosecution of the first instance Court of Justice in Athens,Greece and Elsewhere...

[2] My scientific articles that can be found with Internet search by using “key” words “Unified Theory Oncology”,“Joseph Christos Kondylakis”,“Ιωσήφ Χρήστος Κονδυλάκης” and my contributions (as my user names Thinking,Petition) in the Internet site: https://semfe.gr/forum/viewforum.php?f=21

[3]Book “Cell Signaling:Principles & Mechanisms” by Wendell Lim,Bruce Mayer,Tony Pawson,2015


In 1983 I start creating the original Fundamental scientific theory “The Unified Theory of Oncology” ,but the major scientific journals did not published my Theory and neither acknowledged the receival of the registered letter sent to them,which contained my Theory ,and the Controlled mass communication media in Greece and Internationally never presented my Theory in Oncology/Cancer research...

At the same time, in 1983, the Harvard University of U.S.A.(Prof. Christos Antoniades) very widely internationally and in Greece super-advertised that it discovered the cause of Cancer disease to be...a pirate-virus!! and very much widely international & in Greece the Controlled mass communication media presented the research on Cancer of...pitate-virus as the only cause of cancer disease...which later was proved to be...a very silly idea...(reference f.e. as it was widely international advertised and in Greece presented as major article in the Greek newspaper “To Bima” on 30-October-1983 )

In 2015 was published the book “Cell Signaling:Principles & Mechanisms” by Wendell Lim,Bruce Mayer,Tony Pawson (ref. [3]) and it verify that the Applied!! scietific research confirm,verify the Principles of my First Fundamental scientific reseach in molecular and sub-molecular informatics and in the Oncology/Cancer the “Unified Theory of Oncology” by Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,since 1983 … viz , from page 1 of the above mentioned book “Cell Signaling” we read “This ability of cells to detect or receive information and process it to make decisions can also be considered from broader perspective of information processing” and from page 2 of this book we read “Figure 1-1.Cell signaling systems process information.(a) The role of cell signaling systems is to receive input from environment and,on the basis of that input,generate an appropriate output response.Information processing performed by the cell is conceptually similar to that of other,familiar information processing systems,as the brain or computer.(B) Cellular information processing must be accomplished by a densely packed and diverse collection of biomolecules.(b. Adapted from D.S. Goodsell,Trends Biochem,Sci. 16:203-206,1991)

The above mentioned “ Information processing performed by the cell is conceptually similar to that of other,familiar information processing systems,as the brain or computer”, in 2015 , by the Applied scientific research it was PRECISELY what was the main Principle in my Fundamental Theory “The Unified Theory of Oncology” and for First time was written , in 1983 , by Joseph-Christos Kondylakis...

Note:My “The Unified Theory of Oncology”,1983,has received very good scientific comments from excellent University Professors as Prof. Shigekoto Kaihara ,M.D., University of Tokyo , Japan , dated 2 December 1983 and the letter from Prof. R.K. Mishra , ALL-India Institute of Medical Sciences,Department of Biophysics, dated 23 April 1984 . and Others,E.T.C.,...

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To:U.N.,I.C.C.'Prosecutor,European Authorities,Embassies of Nations,Interpol,Europol,Others...

Πρός τις Εισαγγελείες[Α.Π.+Εφετών+Πρωτοδικών] Αθηνών+Ε.Υ.Π.+Ελληνική Αστυνομία,κ.α.




by Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Research Scientist,Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou,

19013 Attiki,Greece,tel+fax:+30-2291055275, Saturday-29-April-2017


Your references are:

[1] My Fundamental scientific research on “The Unified Theory of Oncology”,since 1983...

[2] My articles in Internet, to be found by using “key” words “Unified Theory Oncology”, “Joseph Christos Kondylakis”, “Ιωσήφ Χρήστος Κονδυλάκης” and in the Internet site(with my user names Thinking,Petition) : https://semfe.gr/forum/viewforum.php?f=21

[3] Our previous & future communications ,and my past history,E.T.C.,...


Conspiracy may be defined as “An agreement between two or more persons to engage jointly in an unlawful or criminal act, or an act that is innocent in itself but becomes unlawful when done by the combination of actors.” and note that “conspiracy requires less than attempt. A conspiracy may exist before a crime is actually attempted”

[from Internet site: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/conspiracy ]

Fundamental Scientific Research may be defined as the Scientific Research that open major new direction(s) of Research in a scientific field(s) of knowledge.


This article is writen because of the following facts:

A. Those information & facts contained into the above mentioned references (are)...

B. Only in USA the “Cancer Industry” is a 124.6 Billions dollars/year Industry and in the Internet site:

http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/making-a-killing-with-cancer-a-124-6-billion-dollar-industry-12092013 is asked the following question “If you had a business selling something that made you well over a hundred billion dollars per year, would you take steps to eradicate the need for your business? Or would you make every effort for that money continue rolling in?...”

C. The International Dictatorship on the Gentiles(Not jews) which control the World Economy,the Mass Communications Media, the major International Secret Societies,major Politicians & Others...

  1. The following scientific facts:

  1. There is No major progress in the published Cancer research for the last 70 years , although huge Billions of dollars have been given to Cancer research ,and although perhaps more difficult scientific fields as the numbers theory,theoretical high energy, physics,theoretical nuclear physics,quantun-general relativity physics,space travelling studies have much progressed with much less money allocated to them...

  2. Because of the complexities of the living beings and particularly for Real progress in the Cancer scientific research a Fundamental Unified Theory of Oncology is mandatory required to Guide in accelarating & systematic way the applied oncological scientific research...This theory was first created in 1983 by Joseph-Christos Kondylakis ,BUT then HUGE Barriers is put to its creator...(f.e. Study our relevant communications and the above mentioned References (are)... )

This author think that a common way that possibly the in searching international conspiracy may be applied is by using Media & Journals Control & “brain washing” & psychological motivation(s) to its actors in the decision(s) area(s),in additional to usual ways a Conspiracy may be applied,E.T.C.,...

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από τον Ιωσήφ-Χρήστο Κ. Κονδυλάκη(Joseph-Christos Kondylakis),Επιστήμονα Ερευνητή,Μικράς Ασίας 13,Αγιος Νικόλαος ,Αναβύσσου,19013 Αττική,τηλ+φαξ 2291055275,Πέμπτη-27-Απριλίου-2017


Σχετικές αναφορές είναι οι ακόλουθες:

[1] Η “Ενοποιημένη Θεωρία της Ογκολογίας”(The Unified Theory of Oncology” ,ως σύνολο άρθρων,που υπάρχει εις το βιογραφικό του Ιωσήφ-Χρήστου Κονδυλάκη του Ιουλίου 2014+το συνοδευτικό του CD, το οποίο υπάρχει εις το γραφείο της Γενικής Διευθύντριας του C.E.R.N., εις το γραφείο του τέως Προέδρου του Ευρωπα'ι'κού Κοινοβουλίου Mr. Martin Schulz, εις την Βασιλική Ολλανδική Πρεσβεία εν Ελλάδι, εις την Καναδική Πρεσβεία εν Ελλάδι, εις τον Πανελλήνιο Ιατρικό Σύλλογο, εις την Εισαγγελεία Πρωτοδικών Αθηνών και Αλλού...

[2] Τα επιστημονικά άρθρα μου ,που μπορούν να ευρεθούν ψάχνοντας εις το Ιντερνετ, χρησιμοποιούντας ως λέξεις “κλειδιά” “Unified Theory Oncology”,”Joseph Christos Kondylakis”,”Ιωσήφ Χρήστος Κονδυλάκης” και τις συνεισφορές μου (ως όνομα χρήστου Thinking,Petition) εις την Ιντερνετ δ/νση


[3]Βιβλίο “Cell Signaling:Principles & mechanisms” by Wendell Lim,Bruce Mayer,Tony Pawson,2015


Τό 1983 άρχισα να δημιουργώ την πρωτότυπη και θεμελειώδη επιστημονική Θεωρία μου την “ΕΝΟΠΟΙΗΜΕΝΗ ΘΕΩΡΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΟΓΚΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ”, αλλά τα πιό διαφημισμένα επιστημονικά περιοδικά δεν δημοσίευσαν την Θεωρία μου, ούτε μου επιβεβαίωναν την λήψη των συστημένων επιστολών που τους έστελνα και περιείχαν την Θεωρία μου, και τα Ελεγχόμενα Μέσα Μαζικής Επικοινωνίας εις την Ελλάδα και Διεθνώς ουδέποτε δημοσίευσαν την Θεωρία μου της Ογκολογικής/Καρκινικής επιστημονικής έρευνας μου...

Το ίδιο έτος το 1983, το πανεπιστήμιο του Χάρβαρντ των ΗΠΑ(Καθηγητής Χρήστος Αντωνιάδης) πολύ ευρέως,διεθνώς και εις την Ελλάδα, υπέρ-διαφήμιζόταν ότι ανακάλυψε την αιτία του καρκίνου να είναι...ένας ιός πειράτης!! ...και ευρύτατα διεθνώς και εις την Ελλάδα τα Ελεγχόμενα μέσα μαζικής επικοινωνίας παρουσίαζαν την έρευνα του καρκίνου του...ιού πειρατή ως την μόνη αιτία της καρκινικής αρρώστιας...το οποίο αργότερα αποδείκτηκε να είναι...μιά πολύ χαζή ιδέα...(αναφορές π.χ. εις τα ευρύτατα διεθνώς διαφημιζόμενα άρθρα και εις την Ελλάδα ως κύριο άρθρο εις την εφημερίδα “Το Βήμα” της 30-Οκτωβρίου-1983 )

Το 2015 δημοσιεύθηκε το βιβλίο “Cell Signaling:Principles & mechanisms' by Wendell Lim,Bruce Mayer,Tony Powson(αναφ. [3]) το οποίο πιστοποίησε ότι η Εφηρμοσμένη! Επιστημονική έρευνα βεβαιώνει τις Αρχές της πρώτης θεμελειώδους επιστημονικής έρευνας εις την μοριακή και υπό-μοριακή πληροφορική και εις την Ογκολογία/Καρκίνου ερευνάς μου της “Ενοποιημένης Θεωρίας της Ογκολογίας” του Ιωσήφ-Χρήστου Κ. Κονδυλάκης από το 1983...ήτοι , από την σελίδα 1 του ανωτέρω αναφερομένου βιβλίου “Cell Signaling” διαβάζουμε “Αυτή η ικανότητα των κυττάρων να ανιχνεύουν ή να λαμβάνουν πληροφορίες και να τις επεξεργάζονται δια να πάρουν αποφάσεις, μπορεί να θεωρηθεί ευρύτερα υπό την έννοια της επεξεργασίας πληροφοριών” και από την σελίδα 2 του βιβλίου διαβάζουμε “Εικόνα 1-1.Τα Συστήματα κυτταρικών σημάτων επεξεργάζονται πληροφορίες.(α) Ο ρόλος των συστημάτων κυταρικών σημάτων είναι να λαμβάνουν είσοδο από το περιβάλον και, επι τη βάση αυτής της εισόδου, να παράγουν την κατάλληλη ανταπόκριση. Η επεξεργασία πληροφοριών που γίνεται από το κύτταρο είναι ,επι των αρχών, παρόμοια με αυτή των άλλων γνωστών συστημάτων επεξεργασίας πληροφοριών, όπως ο εγκέφαλος ή ο ηλεκτρονικός υπολογιστής.(β) Η κυτταρική επεξεργασία πληροφοριών πρέπει να επιτυγχάνεται από πυκνώς πακεταρισμένη συλλογή βιομορίων.(β. Προσαρμοσμένο από D.S. Goodsell,Trends Bioch.Sci. 16:203-206,191)

Το ανωτέρω αναφερόμενο “ Η επεξεργασία πληροφοριών που γίνεται από το κύτταρο είναι επι των αρχών παρόμοια με αυτή των άλλων, γνωστών συστημάτων επεξεργασίας πληροφοριών, όπως ο εγκέφαλος ή ο ηλεκτρονικός υπολογιστής”,το 2015,από την Εφηρμοσμένη επιστημονική έρευνα ,είναι ΑΚΡΙΒΩΣ η κυρία Αρχή που στηρίζεται η Θεμελειώδη Θεωρία μου “Η Ενοποιημένη Θεωρία της Ογκολογίας” και που πρωτοέγράφηκε το 1983 από τον Ιωσήφ-Χρήστο Κ. Κονδυλάκης(Joseph-Christos Kondylakis)...

Παρατήρηση : Η “Ενοποιημένη Θεωρία της Ογκολογίας” μου ,1983, έλαβε πολύ καλά επιστημονικά σχόλεια από αρίστους Καθηγητές Πανεπιστημίων , όπως τους Prof. Shigekoto Kaihara,M.D.,University of Tokyo,Japan , dated 2-December-1983 and from Prof. R.K. Mishra,ALL-India Institute of medical Sciences,Department of Biophysics,dated 23-April-1984 and Others,παρουσιάστηκε σε Ευρωπα'ι'κό Πανεπιστημιακό Ιατρικό Συνέδρειο Ογκολογίας ,δημοσιεύθηκε στο επιστημονικό περιοδικό του Πανελληνίου Ιατρικού Συλλόγου “Ιατρικο Βήμα”,τεύχος 84,Κ.Τ.Λ..,...


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To:U.N.,I.C.C.'Prosecutor,European Authorities,Embassies of Nations,Others...

Special communication to : Embassy of U.S.A. , Embassy of North Korea

Κοιν. Εισαγγελείες[Α.Π.+Εφετών+Πρωτοδικών]Αθηνών+ΕΥΠ+Ελλην. Αστυνομία



By Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Nuclear Physicist,Mikras Asias 13,Agios Nikolaos,Anavissou, 19013



Your references are:

[1] The Film entitled “IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET” by Dr. Helen Caldicott,M.D. , available from the Internet site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FjgBBQFmGs

[2] The Film/DVD entitled “The International” with actors Clive Owen,Naomi Watts,2009

[3] The World Wide Satanic(kabbalah) Dictatorship ,mentioned in our previous communications,etc...


All the last major wars, including the world wars, primarily have be done for economical reasons, primarily of which is to Enslave the Gentiles Nations to Huge Economical DEBT(s) and so to Control them and to Control the planet Earth...(an idea may be formed from ref [2])


Those who control the major Politicians in the planet Earth, primarily think on Huge economical profits

and the Control of planet Earth...

It is also have be written in Internet,DVDs and elsewhere that there is a thinking of Reducing the Human population in planet Earth to become about Half of a Billion of Humans living in planet Earth in a future...

Also most top decisions makers in planet Earth(who are above the Gentiles Nations) and who Control the World Economy, the International Mass Communications Media(including the major “tools” of Internet), the major International Secret Societies,the major international Politicians,major Religious leaders,major International Organizations,etc ,they often interest only for the short to medium time of their major benefits and they are indifferent to long term Catastrophes which may result because of their decisions,e.t.c.,...In addition, the religion of almost all top decision makers in world (above the Nations) is written to be based on the Satanism of Jewish'kabbalah..., viz the Evil perhaps guides a future of Humanity and planet Earth to perhaps their Annihilation...(ref. [3])


Considering the above written information, Very Carefully watch the film “IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET” by Dr. Dr. Helen Caldicott,M.D. and then THINK and PREVENTIVELY REACT...


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