bromptonista Posted May 22, 2010 Report Posted May 22, 2010 Διαβάζω αυτή την ερώτηση συνέχεια στο Greekmeds. Όλοι όσοι θέλουν να κάνουν ειδικότητα στο UK (Μεγάλη Βρετανία ε έχουν την απορία, έχουν τον υπολογιστή, έχουν το πληκτρολόγιο, πιθανότατα (με βάση τα στατιστικά του σάιτ) έχουν μια τελευταία έκδοση του Firefox ή του Internet Explorer με το search box πάνω δεξιά, αλλά για κάποιο λόγο δεν μπορούν να τα συνδυάσουν όλα αυτά με ένα copy-paste και enter. Πέραν του ψυχοπαθολογικού του όλου θέματος, η απάντηση είναι ΕΔΩ: Αναλυτικά εδώ: Σε απλά ελληνικά (αλλά μην το πείτε παραπέρα), audit είναι η κλινική έρευνα σε ασθενείς που δεν περιλαμβάνει κλινική μελέτη/παρέμβαση αλλά μόνο έλεγχο αν καλύπτουμε τα στάνταρ με την κλινική φροντίδα που παρέχουμε. Μη διανοηθείτε απλά να μην ξέρετε τι είναι Audit αν πάτε σε συνέντευξη / Interview στην Αγγλία. Θα σας το ρωτήσουν 99%. Η απάντηση σε interview είναι: -"Clinical audit is a quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes through systematic review of care against explicit criteria and the implementation of change" (NICE 2002) -Plainly, "are we doing the right thing in the right way?" -Clinical audit is not research: Research tells us what to do, evidence-based practice gives us standards and guidelines based on research, WHEREAS AUDIT tells us if we are doing the right thing correctly. -Audit is a cyclical process, observing practice to identify an audit theme; setting standards of care, guidelines and protocols using existing research or evidence; monitoring clinical practice against those standards; comparing practice to standards and taking action to improve care; support changes and improvements to patient care as a result; and monitoring to sustain improvement (re-audit, closing the audit loop). -Multidisciplinary audit focuses on the "patient journey" rather than a particular aspect of their care. -We can audit structure ie facilities, accommodation, process ie activities of care, investigation and treatment or outcome ie how health gain (mortality, morbidity, patient satisfaction surveys) compare with the desired. ΑΝ, λέω ΑΝ, βρεθεί ένας να πει ότι το παραπάνω είναι "σεντόνι", ΕΙΝΑΙ!
karanti_maria Posted March 17, 2011 Report Posted March 17, 2011 Έχουν πλάκα στην Αγγλία. Ένας συνειδικευόμενος δήλωνε, όλο περηφάνια, στο επίσημο βιογραφικό του, οτι έκαναν quality improvement στο τάδε Νοσοκομείο που δούλευε, κι αποφάσισαν να πλένουν τα χέρια τους κάθε φορά που μπαίνουν και βγαίνουν από την Κλινική! Παρέθετε αναλυτικά και τα αποτελέσματα! Έλεος. Έτσι γεμίζω κι εγώ βιογραφικό 30 σελίδων!
Wicked Witch Posted March 25, 2011 Report Posted March 25, 2011 Cross posted for reference… If its takes the original poster 20 min to find the info, I can't even imagine whats its like when you don't even know what you're loking for How to do an audit in Greece One would have to be very audacious to pull this off ( not to mention a shameless liar) but at times such is the path to success. 1.Pick a subject that you can tackle and there are some international guidelines/ reasonalbe local expectaitions on (working diagnosis should be documented for every patient who is seen at TEP...?). Don’t even bother with audit proposals, departments, supervisors et.c. 2.Have a friend who is currently in the UK e-mail you the audit proposal form from their trust so that you don’t sound like a complete Muppet in the interview. 3.Write your protocol. 4.collect data …real or imaginary I leave it up to you. 5.Analyse your…data. 6.Use the headlines they prefer in the UK , ask somebody who works here. Put it all in order in a nice PowerPoint presentation. Make it look professional. Come up with some decent conclusions and recommendations. 7. Present your ‘audit’ to an ( imaginary ?) audience until you convince even yourself that you did indeed give a 15min talk about your audit in front of your fellow trainees and consultants. 8. Print it all out and add it in your portfolio. !When filling in your application form, always refer to your audit as if it was done according to UK standards. You’ll deal with the mess later. If you make it through to the interview make sure you know the audit cycle et.c. Tell the truth about the function of the audit departments in Greece while emphasizing how important the audit process is in the NHS. UK consultants are not stupid. Talk (fib) about the positive impact your audit had in your hospital. Show yourself as somebody who takes initiative ,somebody who got personally involved in trying to improve Greek services, somebody who can shine by turning their disadvantages into advantages. If I were to attempt a Greek audit…that’s how I'd go about it. Never forget: they are not desperate to hire you. They’ve got plenty of their own and an assortment of commonwealth hopefuls. They will make no excuses for the Greek system being different. They will just pick the next candidate, the one who has audit experience. If you wanna have a fighting chance, you gotta be ruthless.
Wicked Witch Posted December 6, 2011 Report Posted December 6, 2011 Thought it might me helpful
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