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Ειδικευμένος...στο U.K


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πολύτιμες οι συμβουλές κ οι εμπειρίες σας..thanks in advance

έχω ήδη ειδικευτεί και θέλω να φύγω Αγγλία..

O σκοπός είναι τα χρήματα...no matter the position

και να είμαι στην Ελλάδα once a month

αν έχετε να πείτε κάτι και εδώ ..help deeply appreciated


Πολυ καλο θεμα διαλεξε ο συναδελφος...!Εχουμε πια αναλυσει σχεδον τα παντα περι ειδικοτητας στο UK αλλα και αλλου!τι γινεται αραγε με καποιον που ειδικευτηκε εδω και θελει να να εργαστει στο Ηνωμενο Βασιλειο;Που λογικα δεν εχει καμια εμπειρια με το NHS !

Πως μπορεί να αρχίσει? Τι ποστο να κυνηγησει?

Ολες οι συμβουλες καλοδεχουμενες.


I'd start by sorting out my GMC rego and getting on the specialist register.Then, register with as many locum agencies as possible.

In theory, once one is on the specialist register they can apply for substantive consultant jobs ...till the cows come home (ie its never, ever, EVER gonna happen with today's competition ratios).

Staff grade jobs: permanent appointments, not what the average UK CCT holder hopes for, but by Greek (pay) standards a fantastic option for a cushy, stress free life.




Register with locum agencies and be flexible and adventurous (medical advisor, etc)

There may be some opportunities to improve your CV (clinical fellow ?) but I don't know the details. Maybe someone else can shed some light?

In my personal opinion your options (in practice, not in theory) as a Greek CCT holder are practically identical to those of somebody half way through their greek training , sans CCT.If I'm wrong, please correct me.


Yeap, at the moment i'm trying to sort out my GMC registration-prepare all the documents required...

In plus my passport has just expired..

wanna go there and learn,work & earn some money -νίκος ξανθόπουλος without the κλάψα and the "attitude" of a CCT holder.

  • 6 months later...

Ας ενεργοποιήσουμε λίγο ξανά αυτό το ενδιαφέρον πιστεύω θέμα. Κανένας που να έχει κάτι να προσθέσει? Εμπειρία, συμβουλές, πιθανότητες εύρεσης εργασίας κλπ.

Οι εποχές είναι δύσκολες και η ιδέα της μετανάστευσης γίνεται όλο και πιο έντονη ακόμα και για τους ειδικούς...


Γνωρίζοντας 6 τουλάχιστον άτομα που είναι post greek CCT πάνω, μπορώ να σας πω τι δουλειές έχουν.

Research fellow

Senior Clinical Fellow

Senior post CCT clinical fellow

Locum SpR (LAS)


Πόσο δύσκολο είναι για κάποιον που έχει τελειώσει ειδικότητα Ελλάδα πχ. γενικη χειρουργική, να συνεχίσει στο UK με fellowship?

  • 9 months later...

Γνωρίζοντας 6 τουλάχιστον άτομα που είναι post greek CCT πάνω, μπορώ να σας πω τι δουλειές έχουν.

Research fellow

Senior Clinical Fellow

Senior post CCT clinical fellow

Locum SpR (LAS)

Kαλησπέρα!Επανέρχομαι στο θέμα της ανεύρεσης εργασίας μετά την ειδικότητα στο Ην.Βασίλειο.Oι θέσεις για senior clinical fellow ή research fellow δημοσιεύονται κι αυτές στο bmjcareers /nhs.jobs ?Η μηπως υπάρχει κάποιο άλλο site ?



Try "trust fellow", "general surgery LAT / LAS", "general surgery registrar / SpR" as well.

bear in mind, most of the times research fellows posts involve clinical research +/- MD. which means that they are more competitive



Try "trust fellow", "general surgery LAT / LAS", "general surgery registrar / SpR" as well.

bear in mind, most of the times research fellows posts involve clinical research +/- MD. which means that they are more competitive

Τhanks for the reply !I would just like to ask you which are the competencies/qualifications required for managing to get such a job in the UK.Because these are not always mentioned in the job advertisements. As far as language skills are concerned,is IELTS necessary for working at an english hospital?


Look. as far as I know they are trust jobs (most non training - at least officially). which means you will be employed by the Trust. Which means a panel of consultants from the trust - that most likely you will work with - will be in the interview panel. Who most likely have no idea what IELTS means.

What they want to see, is someone who is able to communicate sufficiently and professionally with other at work. They will look for that. And if they think you dont have it, you wont get the job.

Those that will look at your qualifications for the short-listing will go through the paperwork and see whether you have English qualifications.

Most of the times they should be mentioned in the the job description. If it is not then I would suggest to email them and ask them.

Or apply and see what will happens.

I hope these answer your questions.

PS. For the rest of the qualifications that you are asking it really depends on the level. (SHO/SpR/senior Fellow)


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